Clarabelleandthehen's Blog

Fresh Ideas Hatching Daily

Digging Out… July 4, 2013

This whole thing about the economy bottoming out seemed like something that happened to “other people” for a while. In fact, when it started, my business was going gangbusters…it was the best year my business had ever seen. I guess while people were drowning in debt and pretending they weren’t,  a cute t-shirt was an affordable little pick-me-up that only made a little dent in the budget, as opposed to the over-sized mortgage payment. At any rate…the cracks have only recently started to show in my world, but as we all know, if left unchecked, the tiniest fissures can quickly crumble the foundation.

My family moved from Tennessee to Alabama a little over a year ago. My husband changed jobs and I was forced to move my business, Clarabelle & the Hen.  We had a double mortgage for a bit—we had to move quickly–so there was a home to buy, and one to sell.  My business stayed in Tennessee, along with a lease and two employees for five months, with me traveling back and forth. We were working on a home that needed some pretty serious TLC—you get it. There was list of “to-do’s” for the house, and this certain amount of money in the bank…and then there was ME managing both. Let’s just say there’s a reason I’m an artist and not an Algebra teacher.

Annnnnnnnnd let’s just say a few little things popped up like electrical and plumbing problems that weren’t on my list (isn’t that like if you eat while standing up, it doesn’t go towards your daily calorie count?)

Well. Um. I sort of went over the budget a little bit.

And then the proverbial wheels fell off one of our cars.

And then Garnet Hill didn’t include Clarabelle & the Hen in one season of their catalogs.

And our property taxes went up.

And so did our mortgage.

Oh, and there was a little goof with water bottle projections for the year and it’s safe to say that I have enough that if I filledall of them we could then dump the water in a swimming pool and have a pool party. And water bottles aren’t cheap. Not fabulous, BPA-Free, Klean Kanteen® water bottles…IN FACT….hey, NOW I’m thinking….use the code DIGOUT10, and get 10% off one today 🙂


I’m one of “those people”. The bloody economy got me too.

TMI? Maybe. But I am bound and determined to bounce back…and it’s become fun in a way! I LOVE pretty things. I love decorating my home, I love great clothes. I love yummy beauty products. But I am learning to appreciate what I have. Not to get all preachy, but how many pairs of designer jeans do I really need? (Yes, I am a former addict). I am learning to throw catalogs in the trash… except Garnet Hill of course 🙂 and to get creative….which I will tell you alllll about. (Don’t expect Coupon Suzy or anything….) Come back tomorrow for more….if you dare. Ha.


3 Responses to “Digging Out…”

  1. Oh gosh…..isn’t this the truth??? I live in your old Knoxville neighborhood. We were the same way, and now it’s hit hard. It took a while for things to really hit Knoxville. We own our business and got hit with a cancelled contract (a big one), and a customer (a friend?!?!) that hasn’t paid. Throw in the fact that people can’t spend money and uncertainty with rising health insurance costs… Our cute character (old) house creeks and groans and threatens to turn into an even BIGGER money pit at any moment. Business suppliers decide right NOW is when they need payment in full (when we are going into our slow time of year). Frankly, it sucks. You guys aren’t alone.

    • clarabelleandthehen Says:

      Did you buy the precious white house next to the Slacks? (Florence’s?) I drove through the old hood last time I was in Knox and it looks ADORABLE! If not, where are you? I can’t wait to check out your biz…
      wish you’d lived there when we did! Fellow entrepreneurs UNITE 🙂 Read tomorrow’s post…maybe you’ll want to do what I’m doing on the side! I have high hopes…

      • I live over on the other side of Kingston Pike next to Whitlow Park. My husband is good friends with the people that lived beside you in the brick house (Wayne Cravens). I sound like a HUGE stalker, but I know your house because I would pick up items there!!!LOL!! Yes!! I wish you were still here in Knoxville. Being an entrepreneur is so hard right now! I’ve been doing various seasonal decor items at our garden center for a few years and recently bought a commercial embroidery machine from a relative who’s gone out of business. I’m teaching myself to do monograms and appliques. I’m sure you know that this is a good neighborhood for that. Can’t wait to read your next post!!

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